Frequently Asked Questions

I thought it might be useful to address many of the common questions I receive from new members of Client Memos.

#1. What is, and is not, allowed in sharing the memos and visuals?

Because I routinely receive so many questions regarding the appropriate use of our content, I created a page exclusively for sharing what is, and is not, allowed.

Please see this link: Legal Use & Guidelines

#2. I’m not getting the MV emails; what can I do?

Please start by checking your spam folder. Once you locate the email, follow the steps below. If you don’t see any emails in your spam box or otherwise, please refer to FAQ #3.

  • Gmail: Add these emails to your Primary inbox.

    • On desktop: Go back to your main inbox, then click and drag this email to the Primary tab.

    • On mobile: Click the three dots in the top right corner of this message, then click "Move To," then "Primary."

  • Apple Mail: Once you identify an email, click on our email address at the top of the message (next to the "From" field) and choose “Add to Contacts” or “Add to VIPs.”

  • Outlook: Click the banner that says “Click here to download pictures” at the top of this message. Select “Add Sender to Safe Senders List.”

  • Other Email Platforms: This page has simple instructions (with screenshots) for several other popular email clients.

#3. I’m still not seeing any emails whatsoever, what can I do?

You have two options:

First, you can always log in to your member portal to access all content. We post every week, so checking each Friday will ensure you don’t miss anything.

Secondly, very rarely, we’ve found that firm firewalls will completely block the email from making it to your inbox. If this happens—and you don’t want to log in to the member portal—you may change the email address used to receive our emails by following the below instructions:

—Click “Account” in the upper right corner of our website,

—Click “Account Settings”

—Then, “Profile”

—Then click your email address, and a window will open to change your preferred email address.

#4. Can more than one advisor use my Client Memo membership?

Generally, the answer is no, but it depends. Here is how we address this issue: One subscription per client base.

Here’s what I mean: If a group of advisors serves one distinct client base, then only one subscription is required.

If advisors—even within the same office/firm—serve their own distinct client bases, then each client base (advisor/team) requires their own subscription.

Please note: Generally speaking, I have no way of verifying this and, therefore, rely on the honor system. That said, this business is my family’s livelihood, so I hope that the quality of people that this membership attracts will respect this rule and subscribe accordingly.

#5. How are other members using Client Memos?

Advisors have been quite creative in their use of Client Memos. Here are a few examples of how our members are using them:

  • Some members send every memo to their clients via email.

  • Others send their favorite from the month.

  • Some follow a newsletter template we've posted under the "Advisor Resources" tab.

  • A few use the memos as a "video script" to send Loom videos to their clients. (FYI: Loom is an approved video source as all videos are private and, therefore, not searchable.)

  • Others use the memos to gather talking points for their client meetings.

  • Some reformat/edit their favorite from the month/quarter, print physical copies, and snail-mail them to their clients.

#6. Can I schedule a time to meet with Ashby?

Yes! I love meeting with MV members and my goal is to be as accessible as possible for as long as is feasible to our community of members. If you’d ever like to set up a Zoom/phone call, you can schedule a time by clicking the following link: Schedule a call with Ashby.

#7. Can I provide attribution to Money Visuals for this content?

Yes. However, it is NOT required by Money Visuals as this content is specifically designed to be sent under your own name which is what offers you the option to send as-is or to edit to your liking and voice.

It’s our belief that your clients desire to hear from you which is why they hired you.

If written permission to use this material without attribution is requested, please consider this your expressed written permission to share our Client Memo writing directly (and privately) with your clients and prospects under your own name only.

If attribution is required by your firm, please include the following or similar language to comply with your compliance department within your disclosures.

“Material provided by Money Visuals, LLC and is being used with consent.”

#8. How many memos should I send per month?

My answer is that I believe consistency is more important than cadence. If you choose to send one weekly and miss a few, that’s worse than just sending one per month consistently.

That said, if I had to choose based on my personal experience and that of hundreds of members…I believe that twice per month is a wonderful cadence. For me personally, I think sending a client note on the 1st and 15th feels about right. It doesn’t overwhelm me or my clients.

The additional beauty of sending two per month is that you will have four memos to choose from, so you can always pick your two favorites. I’m under no illusion that every memo will hit perfectly for every member, but it should (hopefully) be quite achievable for you to have at least two memos that you feel excited to send to your clients. So, two would be my choice, but if you have a feeling for what is best for you and your clients, I encourage you to follow your instinct.

#9. I live outside of the U.S., will your Client Memos work for me?

It depends on the advisor. It’s important to know that all references to the market are a reference to the S&P 500, but not every memo mentions market data specifically.

That said, we currently (as of April 2023) have members in the U.K., Canada, Germany, Australia, South Africa, India, Italy, Trinidad & Tobago, and China, and our international representation is growing.

Candidly, how these international members adjust our content to suit their market is up to them, but I’ve heard nothing but great feedback from these subscribers.

Again, I’d say it depends on the advisor, but I hope that helps answer this question.